Goals and Objectives - NUCLEON

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     Scientific research with NUCLEON SSC in outer space have the following objectives:
 The verification of astrophysical models of birth, acceleration and spread of high energy cosmic rays in the Galaxy by determining its energy spectrum and chemical composition in an extremely wide energy range 1011-1015 eV/particle.
 - The structure study of the different chemical elements types of cosmic rays in the range of Z = 1 ÷ 30. Among other things the dependence study of different chemical elements types from the first ionization potential and volatility parameter is an extremely urgent task which could explain the many long-standing problems of the CR origin.
Moreover, the obtaining of ratio between secondary and primary nucleus at high energies is an extremely urgent task too. It can answer many questions like: how to move between the observed CR flux and spectrum in the sources? And does it exist the CR finish accelerating during the CR spread to the Earth? Also it can specify the information about the Halo Galactic structure and the presence of large-scale turbulence, the galactic wind, etc.
 - The measurement of the energy spectrum of electrons in a part of CR at high energies (Ee above ~ 1 TeV) is extremely important, particularly to search for close source of high-energy particles. Moreover, these measurements will allow to assess the search prospects for dark matter particles in the CR by product of their annihilation. The particular challenge for the NUCLEON SSC to achieve these goals is the permanent measurement in the mode of monitoring parameters and values ​​of the electromagnetic and nuclear radiation: the charge of CR particles (nucleus and electrons), their energy, as well as the liberation of CR electrons from the flux of nucleus (protons and others). The measurement must be conducted for at least 5 years SAS SC "Resurs-P» №2.

     To achieve these goals NUCLEON SSC should provide:
 - registration of high energy cosmic rays in the energy range from 1011 to 1015 eV and in the range of charges Z = 1-30, the effective geometrical factor at least 0.20 m2sr, for all kinds of CR particles. The total power consumption of NUCLEON SSC is no more than 160 W.
 - the element resolution of cosmic ray nucleus with Z = 1 ÷ 30, the average error in the charge measurement should be no more than 0.3 units of charge.
 - highlight events for CR particles registration with a first inelastic nuclear interaction in the target material. There should be a possibility to change the energy threshold of primary particles registration in the SSC trigger system. The time of trigger signal generating to read the information from SSC sensors must not exceed 1 ms.
 - to perform the measurement of CR nuclear energy (including protons) with an average accuracy of no more than 80% for individual events within a given range of CR nucleus.
 - to allocate the electromagnetic component (electrons, positrons, gamma rays) from CR in the aperture of at least 0.05 m2sr. The level of CR nucleus rejection in the MIC should be at least 10-3. Average energy measurement error should not exceed 15% for individual event of e-m components.

The advantage of NUCLEON experiment in comparison with other experiments
  Despite the low weight of the device, such an experiment has a number of advantages over the other projects using small calorimeters.
   At the moment the total planned factor Of NUCLEON experimental exposition exceeds the available experiments by almost 10 times.
  Proportion research of secondary to primary nucleus in space has a principal advantage over  the balloon experiments, where the residual atmosphere is about 6 g / sm2. It exceeds the thickness of matter traversed by nucleus in Galaxy with energy of about 1 TeV in ten times.
    Since the device almost has not a heavy material, the expected reverse current, distorting the charge resolution is orders of magnitude smaller than in other small calorimeters. And we can expect a precise measurement of the delicate structure of GCR chemical composition.
  The device enables monitoring of charged particles with energies of 1 TeV in conditions without distorting effect of the atmosphere.
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